Legal Disclaimer
Please note, we cannot give legal advice nor can we provide mental health advice. We have created Custody Peace to raise awareness and provide cited resources to those who are on their own journey within the family court systems and those who are interested in solutions (lawyers, lawmakers, concerned citizens) to reform the family court systems worldwide. It’s time to change the conditions within the family court systems globally so that justice and the safety, well-being, and appropriate protection of women and children are the natural outcomes.
We recommend seeking legal representation to support you in your own journey. If you are representing yourself, we highly recommend seeking out sources for local support. One of the goals of our organization will be to continue highlighting organizations providing such support.
We look forward to providing more resources as we grow and wish you and your family justice, healing and peace along your path.
Please note, we cannot give legal advice nor can we provide mental health advice. We have created Custody Peace to raise awareness and provide cited resources to those who are on their own journey within the family court systems and those who are interested in solutions (lawyers, lawmakers, concerned citizens) to reform the family court systems worldwide. It’s time to change the conditions within the family court systems globally so that justice and the safety, well-being, and appropriate protection of women and children are the natural outcomes.
We recommend seeking legal representation to support you in your own journey. If you are representing yourself, we highly recommend seeking out sources for local support. One of the goals of our organization will be to continue highlighting organizations providing such support.
We look forward to providing more resources as we grow and wish you and your family justice, healing and peace along your path.